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Its just another dream.(bendy
13.03.2019 13:14
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You're now entering the amusement park of horrors And what you see will deceive you" Things are getting darker Deeper undercover It's another another dream Or is it the same nightmare Dripping ink that's right there But yet nothing is as it seems And it won't ever let you leave Something isn't right right Running all the time time These are all just characters That I made up in my mind How can they be real Reason that I might die? Monsters born from ink They're stalking me Every step I battle with an angel angel Innocence Drowning deep in rivers of mayhem It's getting harder just to know If I'm being saved or drowning slow The haunted house has trapped me Freedom takes a backseat Once again for another surge Of strange hallucinations The fallen angel patiently Watching me at every turn Every road leading back her The possessed mechanical ride Wants my life life Man's not in his right mind Tryin' to hit my blind side I swing with an axe then quick run it back
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