- create flipbook animations online!
This 1 made me sad(lemme type)
23.07.2019 00:16
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I was in the hospital. Exact date my grandpa died. They came out with the bad news and uh... as my first tear hit the floor it was all black. Then it was current day me, walking to my best friends house. She was on the roof... being choked, held by the neck. And shoved off. It was so loud, my screaming of despair. Then it went black. To my dog. I was cornered, sobbing, my dog at one part of the room. She was shot in the head. The person that cornered me picked up the front of my shirt, and threw me out the window. I was covered in glass and cuts. Then, it all turned black. The last thing i saw was my grandpas smiling face, my friend and i playing Terraria, and me and my dog running around the block.
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