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I am Christian, and I believe
06.08.2019 01:54
LinkPlease let me type
06.08.2019 01:56
LinkI understand if you want to unfollow. I understand if you disagree. But compromising myself has brought me the most misery I’ve ever had. Changing my beliefs to accommodate culture, modern day, sent me into one of the worst mental states I’ve ever been in. So, to tell you why, I know Christianity is real, let me tell you three stories.
06.08.2019 02:00
LinkNumber one and two somewhat correlate. I’ve only told these to a few people, but I hope someone will hear them and they may help. So my brother and best friend both started out as Christians. These are the two people I’ve been closest with. These are the people I would die for. So one night, I’m sleeping and I have this intensely vivid dream. It’s of my brother walking down a spiral staircase. The top is light and the bottom is pitch darkness. The second he steps to the bottom I jolt awake, sobbing. I’m crying and screaming, “You killed him” “You killed him”, fully under the impression someone murdered my brother. About a month later I find out he has turned from Christ. The second story follows a similar pattern. I’m sleeping, and I jolt awake, this time thinking of my best friend. This time I’m crying “He’s dead, he’s dead”. I start praying and crying out take me instead. My friend had also turned from Christ around that time. I have no explaination for these dreams. I had no c
06.08.2019 02:04
Linkclue they where straying. These dreams have no explaination other then God. The third story, however, is one that most meaningfully impacted my life. I was praying one night, for my friend. All of a sudden my mind sort of goes onto a loop, and I’m crying out over and over again “Listen, listen, please listen”. A voice fills my head and the pain and heartache is replaced with this calm. It says “I’m listening”. I’ve never heard anything like it. But I have no doubt that this was the voice of God.
06.08.2019 02:05
LinkTo sum it up; I believe the Bible’s teachings, and this site hasn’t been good for me from any standpoint. I may still draw on here, but I’m trying to avoid such negative influences on my life. I hope you all can understand. I love you <3
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