i hwave wa mwac
21.07.2019 02:01
Linki wam swo cwool, anf fwore awwall winadows wusers woo swauchk
21.07.2019 02:37
LinknO YoRE nOt So StOp FlExiNg
Hey ***** your too poor to have a computer like that also nobody cares about what kind of computer you have, also STOP FLEXING THAT YOUR A CUTE BLACK GUY. YOU ***** WANKER. WE KNOW YOUR NOT CUZ YOU POSTED YOUR FACE AND YOU WHERE WHITE, AND STOP FLEXING ABOUT WHAT KIND OF COMPUTER YOU HAVE WANKER
Just imagine a trip to a wonderful land
Of candy, and jam, and ice cream
Jen si představte výlet do nádherné země
Z bonbónů, marmelády a zmrzliny