collab with somestrangegirl B)

Marshmallow with CHOCOLATE


Part Two

A luv tree


Can someone draw him?
rant on 50% of flipanim


23.05.2019 16:25
Linkpeople are choosing to hate me for no reason, YES IM AIMING AT A FEW SPECIFIC PEOPLE.
I’ve done nothing to them, but they decide to hate me???
Like wtf man, I’m trying to be nicer but you saying you hate me isn’t gonna make me nicer than I’m trying to be??

23.05.2019 16:26
Never talked to them, but they hate me.

23.05.2019 16:27
LinkWhenever I act nice people stop talking to me because it’s apparently ‘ not how I normally act ‘
Comment removed

i really don't hate anyone on here unless they actually do suck, usually i hate troll channels, but whenever i don't approve of something certain bigger animators on here have done, i'm in the minority and have close to nobody to talk about it with, and i can only think of a couple people right now (no i'm not listing them because their massive following will come harass me, which is actually the main problem with them! they've got too many people who, no matter what the drama or problem is, and no matter how in the wrong that person is, will default to their side)
sorry that turned into my own rant, and i don't hate you, i see no reason to