Super Puzzle Ball
be my valentine?
Deer Teeth
Luciaaa cat ❤️
i clearly see why some hate me
04.12.2019 03:44
Linkk so lets rewind the clock.
i was an immature baby when i first came on this site. so i whined when people didnt like my arts n stuff. so a month later i got discovered by nighteye, iaab, furrytrash and a few others. so they started joking with me, and in my fetus mind joking means bullying and straight up abuse. i was all like "NYAAA WAAAAAAAHH! YOU GUYS R SOO MEAN! I TRUSTED YOU ;;;;;'''(((" then i started harassing furrytrash and thats where the hypocritical side of me shown. I'd just go on and on about how "mean and rude" she was. then when she defended herself and told me that it was all a joke, i strarted posting "I GOT INSULTED.." and " I CANT STAND H I M ANYMORE" a week later she posted a rant about attention thirsty users and how they should stop. i that lorg paragraph i saw something like "your acting like starving rats" n that triggered me. i said "*sniff* wow *sobs* you are so mean* and a drama started back up. at that point i started to feel like everyone was against me. then icon's
04.12.2019 03:48
Link°~ l o v e h u r t s~° side kicked in. i started saying "oh im so sad an im gonna kill myself" after that i lost my password then made a new account. i was getting better and understood that the world dosent revole around me
04.12.2019 03:52
Linkthen came another which is the best one ive had
04.12.2019 03:54
Linki feel better
04.12.2019 04:00
Linkim not done yet
04.12.2019 04:03
Linklook at the comments for the story to make sense