Presenting- IconFreak (SFU)
23.01.2020 00:34
LinkMoveset- (Sorry if the animation is fast. On my computer it's slow so...)
Jab- normal 3 hit jab
Jump- Double Jump
N-Air- A fast-full circle hair similar to Kirby's
F-Air- A slower upwards kick, sends foes upwards
UpB- Icon just kinda floats upwards, has a hotbox so can be used to kill off the top. Puts Icon into freewill
NeutralB- A fast, low damage, no knock back, pencil projectile
DownB- Charge to unleash... glue. Glued opponents move slower and take more damage + knock back
F-Smash- Pencil Abuse
23.01.2020 00:37
LinkBefore you say this isn't a full moveset, I have to keep it within my coding abilities. Tune in tomorrow when I present fighter 02- Omeger the Swordsman! If anyone has any suggestions for this moveset, please type them below. If you have any for the game, please see the original project on my profile. Thanks! {I made a typo in the above comment. I said "hotbox" instead of "hitbox" on the UpB section}
23.01.2020 02:25
LinkAnother typo in the UpB section... (The autocorrect on Macs are an absolute pain!) I "said" "freewill" when i MEANT "free-fall"