18.02.2019 11:30
LinkHECK forgot to color a part of the cape
26.08.2019 12:04
Pie: this is something that won't be heard twice in life but, poor Spade King, what happened? ÓwÒ
do u need a huggo?
King: *Words get faster and faster*
What if I can’t satisfy RK and then he hates me what if I make him mad and he doesn’t like me what if I do something wrong then he hates me forever what if you hears something terrible i’ve Done and dumps me what if he slaps me or something and- *Just starts whining and crying*
Pie: aw, don't cry *more pats while hugging* i don't think he will hate you... *mumbles: maybe...* ... try to be nicer, and rule the Dark World in a way that uh... you don't be a bad king and the Darkners don't want to dethrone you...? i'm sorry if i'm not helping... i'm not good with politics and that stuff, but try to fix your errors if you can, pass more time with Lancer and RK, and don't be too severe with the people
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((i like to run and walk like if i was a 4 legged animal when i'm bored and no one's watching... i also like to chew stuff, and i sometimes grab stuff with my mouth, not sure what i could be... also, even tho i can stay up at night i like to sleep, but if i sleep like 5 hours i don't get tired, if i sleep more, i don't wanna get up))
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