its beck-o!!!


Potata Got Dem Majestic Flops

Blue CatFish

collab with somestrangegirl B)


Don’t Stop! uwu
story time (lemme type)


09.09.2018 19:07
Linkso there is this dumb kid who acts just like the frikn logan paul. Basically, this story is told by my dad. so my Dad is a teacher for a sporty program, and he couldn't find a ball for one of the games. he went up to one of the boys on the side of the room and asked if he took it, and he did. this kid that had the ball was the kid who was the logan paul kid I talked about in the first sentence. What the kid wanted to do, was strieght up steal the ball from the gym. when my dad found out he wanted to steal it, the logan paul kid said "geez, its just a prank bro"

09.09.2018 19:10
Linkbtw.... this kid he constantly screams and mocks everyone and acts like hes 3. when I called him logan, im not exagerating