Shadow bois species(open??)
03.12.2019 12:42
03.12.2019 12:47
Linkshadow creatures(or known as shadow bois) can only live in very dark and dim areas under a light level of 1-90,they can range in heights of a minimum of 6'7 to being as tall as a building depending on what the time of day is and or light levels
shadow bois are actually very peaceful and docile,also the shadow bois show great signs of intelligence even tho they cant speak cause they don't have mouths
other info:
shadow bois can can poses any object in a radius of 7 meters
they speak using a weird cackling noise that comes from there fingers
also they find tight and dark places very comfortable.
03.12.2019 12:50
Linkmake sure to credit me when you make one or something