Yuna The Dalmatian
Princess Allura
Running Loop
Elemental - [Pilot Episode]
might make a species idk
31.01.2020 01:11
Linkthis creature is now a species, the name for this species is vendic and they have 2 mouths one on top of the others as you can see they come in all different color varients however females are usually colorless and have small horns as shown the females also are the only to have 3 horns the males only have two long horns and they can be curly or spikey or etc. they have at least 4 children at a time and the children grow quickly males are bright colored and have feathers to attract the female as you can see this species is blind they have no eyes and communicate through echo-location they have long sharp teeth that are retractable, you can create your version of this creature as long as you credit me or i can make one for you