Genderbent SephPep
im havign too much fun w this
ā5 Nights @FlipAnim 'sā
First ever animation
Quitting FlipAnim
23.11.2018 16:42
Linkbut why?!
23.11.2018 16:42
23.11.2018 16:43
Linkplent of ppl like u!
Hi everyone. I haven't been active for two weeks and here's why:
I'm leaving FlipAnim... For good this time.
My activity has decreased considerably on this account, even though I have multiple followers, no one seems to notice me much anymore.
My chromebook has shut down, so the new laptop I have can't upload or download files. The art I draw is very terrible now, compared to how good it was about a month ago.
All my friends have either left or become inactive themselves and moved to Drawn.
Maybe I'll check in in a few months or a year.
For the people who know me best (Kat, Rebooting, and IAmAnIntrovertArtist) I will still be on Gmail ( and I'll talk to them more often now.
But there isn't a place for me on FlipAnim anymore.
Bye guys.
Catch you on the flip side.