❤️ For IAAB ❤️


01.04.2019 22:41
LinkHey, this is kinda embarrassing. But you deserve it.
Birb... Ryan. You mean a lot to me. You’re the only person from flipanim that I talk to so often. You are so fun to talk too and I love the wholesome meme wars we get into. You boost my confidence and encourage me to continue animating. I would never come back if you weren’t here.
Well, maybe for Mads or Kat. But I’m trying to make you feel special, they already know I feel the same for them.
So this is all to say that you hold my whole heart, platonically, of course. And it makes me so happy that you aren’t expecting any kind of romance from this. I know you just want me to be happy and you care truly. It’s a fluffy, comfortable thing to be able to go talk to you and not be nervous or stumbling or have to overthink anything.
And you understand my memes and watch the same YouTube reviewers. And I know you’re always on top of it! You’re the most solely positive entity in my life! So... and I completely mean this...

01.04.2019 22:42
Linkplease suck my cock iaab

01.04.2019 22:44
Linkalright i will april fools

15.05.2019 07:49
LinkHow do u do so not the hole screen moves?

im sorry not to be rude or make you angry
nothing can stop me from shipping you two reeee im sorryyyy

Awww that’s so sweet!
He really is a nice guy isn’t he? ^v^
I’m so happy that we even get to talk to you <3