Spain ~ Shattered Clan OC


07.11.2019 15:15
Linki tried to go with kinda realistic i looked of my cats face for the detals i think i was close
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07.11.2019 15:21
LinkSpain is a Dark Brown maine coon who was abused when he was a kit by his mother named karma. after a few months when Spain was 8 moons old he ran away from home but while trying to run through the fence his mother blocked the hole and with alot of force she clawed him, with blood running down his face he swung back at his mother and caught his back claws ripping at her face and throat then as so as she jumped back in a panic while she bleeds out of her neck and face Spain Bolted through the hole and ran into the woods and never turned back

07.11.2019 15:21
Linksrry galagaler i was typing