wave test
28.04.2018 01:42
LinkIt's ok, but the thing I don't get is the anatomy and just two frames of animation.
1 Anatomy: The thing I'd say about the anatomy is how the neck support the head and the shoulders supporting the arms, I know anatomy hard but I would recommending looking at references to help you draw anatomy.
The Shoulders And The Neck: for the shoulders and the the neck there is no separation between them just a curving line, and It seems the shoulder can't hold the arm not even the slightest.
The Head: the head at the top is way too flat and can't support the hair and mostly with side hair you can see all of it going straight down with three separate parts, and doesn't really making any sense to me, so try experimenting with the hair behind and some going in front. And the thing that looks off is the face and the bangs/fringe, first the face the eye's are way to big, unless your going for a chibi style, but the nose is just way too small like the mouth
Animation: for the animation it's only two frames, so I w
28.04.2018 01:42
Linkyou would, I should say look at your hands and watch it move, but hey no one gets it
at first, and you should add a bit more than just the hands and forearm moving because
the triceps and shoulders also move.
Overall: Just use refs
Please don't take this as hate, I'm just giving advice here
28.04.2018 01:51
Linkthanks for your advice, it really helps!
i'll try to get better at it.