Feuera ==> Examine Diary.
19.09.2019 20:32
LinkFeuera ==> Examine Diary.
You just got this thing from right below your table. Wonder what it was doing there. The papers in the book seem very old, so you decide to read the title of the book right after examining the paper, because why the **** not?...Soon you find out that this isn't JUST a book. This is your ANCESTOR'S DIARY! WHAT THE HECK?! WHY IS IT HERE?! WHAT?!
You now want to read it, but your MOIRAIL, GIALLO, taught you to NEVER read other's their diaries. She's a good one. Trying to stop you from discovering what your ANCESTOR did. But your DANCESTOR would be REALLY MAD if you did! WHAT. WILL. YOU. DO?!
19.09.2019 20:42
Linkread that shit man