AngelWing & Blubbyfish
25.05.2019 16:56
LinkTwo new creatures! Time for awesome bios!
Population: 2,000
Hostility: Kind
Breeding Stats: They breed every once in a while...
Tameable: Yes
Tame-ability: Hard
Angel wings of the species of dragons, but can be seen acting as a leopard, fox, or eagle specifically. They are as rare as HellWings, but not as mean. They are quite kind, intelligent, yet very shy. They prefer to stay away from humans. It is in fact very hard to tame one, and requires a lot of patience. They blend in well with clouds, snow, and anything else that is white. While they can 'attempt' to blend into the darkness, they may become a noticeable light gray or gray-ish black. While AngelWings are smaller than GuardianWings, they're size ranges from just 3 feet long and a foot tall at birth, to the size of 2 football fields as an adult! They also live in peace & harmony with Blubbyfish, they're main source of medicine, and food. (Which is perfectly fine since it stops the Blubbyfish population from overgrowing.)
Population: 80,000
Hostility: Kawaii...I mean kind!
Breeding Stats: *Bunny Breeding Mode Activated*
Tameable: Yes
Tame-ability: Easy Peasy!
Blubbyfish are mainly found living around AngelWings, even though AngelWings eat Blubbyfish, the Blubbyfish don't really mind! It also helps to keep their large population down. Blubbyfish can come in a variety of bright colors ranging from green, blue, to even purple! Contrary to popular belief, their color does NOT show their mood. A Blubbyfish is often jumpy when it's happy, and moves slowly when it's sad. Plus it's mouth will literally be upside-down. Blubbyfish are also known as Bubblefish and Jellies, all of these names are also correct for them. Blubbyfish are quite popular, as well as common. In a human marketplace they don't sell for very much though, since almost everyone has one! To tame a Blubbyfish, just give it it's favorite food, most Blubbyfish love sweet treats! (They can't get diabetes since their body is 90% jelly, and 10% water.)