

08.06.2018 20:02
Linkthis took FOREVER

08.06.2018 20:43

08.06.2018 21:27
Linkyou really think so

since you have seemed to ask for crit, I'm going to say this isn't really... Amazing. The shoulders are too small, make them broader and itd be more accurate. the places where the plates are supposed to look put together, using pure black on an otherwise lineless piece is jarring to say the least. yes, darker greys exist. the body also appears very thin compared to the arms. in general the head looks oversized compared to the body. also, nitpick but the background is pretty boring and could be something that represents the theme more than just a generic gradient.

okay, i'm just proud of my work, and fine with my flaws. I know i'm not perfect or super talented but i like what i do, and i like doing it. I show my imperfections in everything i do, i am only human, but only going to improve eighter way, and if you don't try or practice at least a bit in yuor life, you won't imprve mush, and i am just trying to improve.

...i know people dont have lineart
i do lineless as my main style in almost every situtation
i get that you're trying to improve. its great that you are! I though since you put it there id try and give you some pointers. annoyed you advertised, but pleasantly surprised you didnt blow up on me. so thanks for that i guess ha. its good to be proud of something you did and also acknowledge that it has flaws. thats a healthy mindset.