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Chapter 2
14.12.2019 15:04
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Again, i started panicking. Stupid mental breakdowns. I looked around my parents room for something i could hide in, the only places were under the bed, in the closet, or run into the bathroom, and possibly hide in the shower which i crossed out, this man seemed like a pervert, or just accept my fate and die. I went in the closet, locking it from the outside and the inside. When my parents came home i can scream for them to let me out. I heard footsteps, and i covered my mouth. My god i was terrified. 'I know where you are, dear, i always will~!' I bit my lip to stop from yelling out. Thats when i broke down i started sobbing. The door, he was trying to break it down. I got myself trapped. This guy was scraping the door, making that same earsplitting sound, but on wood. I simply buried my head in my hands, not bothering to be silent anymore. I felt cold air, followed by the sound of crunching wood. He'd gotten in. I didn't bother look up, i didnt want to see him again. 'Whats the matter dear, scared~?'
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