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just got a cup of coffee
19.11.2018 17:18
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I'm just sitting here going on a train of thought ramble on the topic of depression. If you want to comment, cool, but please don't interrupt my trhread. make your own comment, not a reply to me. I hate to do it, but I will delete replies to my
19.11.2018 17:26
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Okay, put some nice vaporwave tunes on, time to get started. The main thing that sticks in my mind is that, whenever someone says "I'm feeling depressed" or something along those lines, the main response I see is something like "aren't we all" No. The majority of people aren't depressed. I know people mean sadness, but sadness isn't the definition of depression, it's a symptom. there is so much more to it, more than I could even understand. Depression isn't looking at the world around you and not liking it's future. Depression is looking for a future that you can't see. It's not about not feeling happy, it's about not feeling, period. It's one of the worst feelings in the world, not because you're sad, but because you don't think you'll be happy again. This thing where people trivialise mental health issues by implying it's super common, it's just harmful. I know it's just kids or people who don't understand, but that doesn't take away the damage.
19.11.2018 17:31
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Let's say you have a wound on your chest, a big one, blood everywhere. It's not going to kill you but it stings like a son of a *****. Now, someone who has felt pain on their chest before tells you "everyone has that". They mean that everyone has the capacity for chest pain, but they say that everyone has a big gaping, seeping, bloody wound smack dab in the middle of their chest. Now you see people get hit in their chest, have stuff touching it, all that stuff. They're dealing with it. If they are all dealing with it and being perfectly fine, what's wrong with you? I hope that illustrates my point. saying everyone has clinical depression or anxiety or anything, that just makes the people who actually do have it feel inadequate, because they can't deal with this ordinary facet of human life.
19.11.2018 17:35
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Then there's this completely other huge problem. When someone tells you they are depressed, you believe them. fine, sure, do what you want. But then some people let them excuse any shitty behaviour with their depression, which you don't actually know they have. Either they say they did it because they were depressed, whivch is stupid, depression doesn't make you an asshole. Or they say they're depresseed to get people to not confront them. If someone's doing shitty stuff, you should confront them. i don't care if they have depression, they need to hear that what they did isn't okay. They still chose to be a dickhead, and there's nothing that stops them from being accountable. Well, there are a few things, but not depression.
19.11.2018 17:42
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There are some people on this site who I know are having a hard time right now. I won't name names, because that shit's their business. but when I see them talk about their negative feelings, let out their issues where they think a few people might listen and understand what they're talking about, I see dumb comments. One I see, that I've been pretty vocal about hating in the past, is people trying to relate. Top tip: these aren't randomperson's old anims, they weren't made to be "lul so relatable XD", these are real people's real emotions. Empathy is about thinking how you'd feel in a situation, but that doesn't mean you should try to swap stories. Especially when it's someone who is genuoinely going through a crisis of personality right now, and you're talking about how your teacjher is a meanie. That isn't hyperbole, I['ve seen that happen. I know you're trying to think of the worst thing you've experience to try to relate and show that they aren't alone, but there are better ways to prove you'
19.11.2018 17:49
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My method, I feel is pretty effective goes as such. They say their feelings. I tell them that I feel bad that they feel bad (when I do) and tell them that I'm there to talk to them if they need to (when I am) That's it. Say that you're sorry you feel that way and that you're there for them. That's it, most effective way to help. But I feel like most people don't really want to help. they want to throw a pity party, all cry together, then get on with their day because they don't actually have serious problems. People expect that everyone is like them, which isn't such a bad assumption to be honest. But when you aren't like everyone else, it's hard, because they either treat you like everyone else or they treat you like a broken version of everyone else. It really seems like not too many people know how to empathise with someone different to them. I guess I'm saying I don't blame people for not helping people who are really sad when they've never felt really sad, but they need to just stop unti
19.11.2018 17:57
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The main problem is that "really sad" depend on how sad you've ever been. Some people haven't felt anything above having a bike stolen, or having a gradmother they didn't really know pass away. These are sad event. Really not to try to compare tragedies, but when ypou've felt cut offr from everyone else your whole life, realised you have done seriously ****ed up bad things, effectively had your whole personality inverted within about a year or two, you kind of get a feel for a lot of sadness. ****, there are definitely people on here, and in the world, whpo have had much worse sadness than me. I'm in no way saying "I'm the only person who knows true sadness, not at all. All I'm saying is trhat with "really sad" being a term that means different things to different people, I don't expect everyone to be able to relate to each other. I just see people who don't seem to have really been that sad before trying to comfort people I know have been through hell, and they do it by sharing their sad stori
19.11.2018 18:02
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I definitely went on about that point a lot more that I should have, but it's important to me to recognize when your life hasn't really been as sad as you think at first. I for one got of pretty ****ing easy, I've had many good close friends who helped me become who I am now. OI have a loving family and al that good shit. But I can recognize that not everyone has had the good shit I have, and that a lot of people have worse shit than my worst experiences. Maybe #I'm expecting too much from people right away. probably some people just need to grow up a little before they realise it. I know I needed to do a lot of growing up in the past, and I've probably got a hell of a lot of growing uyp to do in the future.
19.11.2018 18:05
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Last point, a bit of advice, think about how life could be worse, think of how life could be better, and strive to do that second one. It's definitely worth it. I just hope this whole long soliloquy of bullshoit has helped change someone's mind for the better. Anyway, that's me done. feel free to tell me I'm dumb or completely wrong.
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