Very short rant


22.05.2019 20:26
LinkIf I’ve been an Ass hole to you once, doesn’t give you the right to be an ass hole and spam on my anims.
Yeah, it was kind of stupid that I got upset over a dead fly, but I actually loved Toast.
Yeah, I told you to hang yourself with a shoe lace, and go die in a ditch, but that doesn’t give you the right to be sassy and be a smart ass with me because I’m in a bad mood.
Here’s a tip, whenever I swear at you or tell you to kys, try calm me down. I swear it’ll be a better time than me screaming at you.

22.05.2019 20:28
LinkAnd yes, I might have been an ass hold on peoples anims a lot, but I’m trying to stop that since it’s SUPER immature now I think about it.
I’ve realised my wrongs. But I’ll be an ass hold on your anims if your arguing with my friend and they’re in the right.

oh. also, who was doing all this?? i don't see why they would do that. that's immature and they should've known that you were upset at that time.