My mother found out
29.01.2020 13:08
LinkI handed in my phone to my mother at bedtime but forgot to delete my history, so she ended up checking my phone and finding this site, she told me she looked through this site and she doesn’t approve of it unfortunately , and she saw my post about insta gram and told me to delete my account :(, and since I can delete my account here I’ll just delete the animations, and as for my little characters I got messaged by a user on here last night on insta, spider was in her name I believe and I asked if she would take them and care for them, although she said she was taking a break from here,
So I’m sorry to say but I’m leaving ,I’ll just continue my home schooling and land scape paintings
29.01.2020 13:30
Link;-; sorry that happened. I hope to see u on in the future.
29.01.2020 19:30