Lost - part 2


11.05.2019 22:30
Link"He did what?" Hana's voice flared with anger. Jane hid her face in her hands. She felt tears pushing their way out. "Oh, Jane.." Hana hugged her sister. "It's gonna be okay. We are all here for you." Jane knew that was a lie
The next few days were painful. with family fussing over her AND friends trying to cheer her up with ridiculous memes; Jane felt overwhelmed. But she didn't share her feelings. The more she kept her feelings bottled up like this, the more she felt far away form everything. She felt as if she was locked in a small, dark, room with no escape. She felt lost. And she kept feeling like this until one day she was set free. But.. not like you would expect..

11.05.2019 22:31
LinkLost - part 1