08.02.2018 04:19
09.02.2018 01:06
Linkwait for the comment yo.
I'm scared that if people think I have depression or smth that I'm going to get more attention, I D O N ' T W A N T I T. THis is whY WHEnEVeR MY FriEnD FroM QoUTEV ASKS "ARE YOu DEpPRESSEd?" I SAY "No" I 'ThInK' I maybe, just maybe have a not so serious depression due to symptoms I see in myself, nothing serious though nothing like take a ****ing knife to my wrist. KNJRMNJkjGNJRh2FKHRNFvn BuT I'M sCARED IF I SAY THAT "I DO" HAvE DEPRESSION OR SOME SHIT PPL WILL BE LIKE "HoE YoU LYiNG YOU ATteNTiOn WhORe" BUT IT'S NOT WHAT I WANT jkMFNM FNM CRewn fgergwrgmb qt4hnmqb