I just want to die...
27.06.2018 05:39
Link:( no
27.06.2018 05:42
LinkI have to... I have no meaning in this world
27.06.2018 05:47
Link:( life is a game. to win it you live till you die. if you kill yourself, a fire pit will emerge. if you live through it all. you will live in the clouds. you need to understand theres more in life than being noticed. if you have no meaning in this world, why would you be alive?
27.06.2018 05:53
LinkThank you...
Abuse at home? Parents divorced? Issues at school/home? There’s millions of things somebody could go through under 14 years old. Please, have a heart, use your head before you comment and please be respectful because if this were me, I would be even sadder. This site should be filled with a community of thriving users, not bullies. Not rude people. Just wait until karma hits you, and maybe you’ll apologize and learn to appreciate others.
life is a thing you only get once after you die you eather go to hell or heaven or just be in pain for the rest of your slumber ;-;
Okay okay okay, I'm not religious so I don't believe in all this heaven and hell crap. Listen up child, you only get one life. You can't live another one. So if you kill yourself, there's no going back. Sometimes you have to push yourself through things and situations, and just hope that things will get better. You gotta learn to deal with it and keep moving forward. Killing yourself doesn't fix anything, it makes things worse. For example, you could grow up and find a cure for cancer. If you kill yourself, in the future there won't be a cure for cancer!
What I'm saying is that you have to wake up, and think. Think of the future and how you can help it. Push yourself!