
Super Smash Bros~ Kirby scene

Yakko’s world



Ekko/League of Legends -redraw

i gave the eye colour. opinion
Dear furry haters ↓


18.07.2019 21:00
LinkWhy the neck do you think we are so bad?
Why do you think we are all about inappropriate stuff?
(You know what I mean)
Sure, there is the small bit of furries who are pretty bad,
But we make small children smile when we walk around with a fursuit on!
What's wrong with us?
Why do you hate us?

18.07.2019 21:00
Link(When I said neck, I meant heck.)

they're given bad rep by their constant actions that are frowned upon.
It's really inevitable for any community at all to get hate.
also I remember seeing a video screaming and running away from a person in a fursuit so idk about that one buddy
Comment removed

Okay, one: who the heck is "him"?
Two: thats your opinion, not everyone's.
Three: yeah, we furs are weird, we like it, but that doesn't mean we are cringy, ya nub!
Four: we do this for fun, why do you hate itl
Five: you don't call superhero fans who dress up as them for fun cringy, do you? We're no different from them! We like to dress up as characters,

You were talking about wanting your dreams.
Anyways, by bad I mean cringy or bad things.
1. Some of you like doing other humans or in some cases animals, usually while wearing their suit.
2. I've heard a lot of cases where people in fursuits go to hospitals and visit people that didn't want them, and in some cases scaring them.
3. A couple years ago I heard about some abusive furries online that cyber bullied young kids.
4. Although I've talked with nice furries, they took could agree that there are many bad ones that are more than cringy.
5. There have been many drawings of nazi furries gassing humans and other furries.