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26.11.2019 20:25
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My body was rushing, faster, faster, faster. I popped open the vials top, the components bubbling and oozing. I poured the vial into my mouth and then… I am Inku, guardian of the Parallel universes, or commonly known as ‘Alternate Universes’. While you don’t know me, I know you. Well actually repeats of you, but who cares. I was walking around the Anti Boido, which used to be an all-white world now covered in paintings. Gateways between the universes littered the area, allowing me to peek in at will. I let myself wander for a while before getting to something productive. I decided that training was in order, seeing as I have magic that constantly is evolving. Magic is a power most people have. Magic comes from something called a Soul. A Soul is a thing that gives you life. Basically, without one, you will most certainly die. Now some people can harness their Soul’s power and generate it as a great power. Only the most powerful people can wield their power and each
26.11.2019 20:25
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the last. Mine specifically is the power to create anything with my creativity, But using an item helps me channel my creativity into life. I was holding my weapon of choice in both of my hands, my hands in the center keeping it sturdy. I spun the strip of wood in a circular motion. A pale rainbow Circle hovered in front of my chest while I spun it. I began to pace myself backward, little did I know there was a portal behind me. By the time I noticed It was too late. CALL I fell through the endless grey world surrounding me. When my back met the steely ground, my vision became fuzzy and my breath shortened. I shakily got back onto my feet while the world spun around me, only to be met with screams. My head whipped around to find the source of distress. What I saw I refused to believe was an accident. A child was weeping on her knees while the world around her was shattering. Shadows seeped into the ground as everything beneath me began to crack. My legs started to propel me be
26.11.2019 20:26
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before I could process what was going on. I began to realize that this universe was being destroyed. I got to the middle of the wreckage were the child lay, now unconscious. I reached my arm out towards her only for her to be lifted from my grasp. I watched in horror as her body disappeared in front of me, her image was quickly replaced with one I wished I never saw. A man in a black jacket and black basketball shorts smiled at my expression. His voice uttered the cursed sentence which would haunt me for the years to come. “Miss me Inku?” Fear traveled through my bones as he waved menacingly at me. I stared at his face for what seemed like hours before I could slip out a few words. “Error, h-how?” He smiled in response, fearing no consequences. This angered me causing me to lose my grip on my words “Why?! We signed a truce millennium ago!” To which he responded “Did you forget my dear Inku, it ended.” My body was stripped of emotion, while I searched
26.11.2019 20:26
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of this situation. “I could easily take everybody as my puppets and erase everything forever, but I wanna see them suffer first,” Error said menacingly his voice swimming from normality to glitched. “Wait no!” I called out desperately “I’m sorry,” he whispered to quiet for me to hear, his words laced with sympathy. With a flick of his wrist, he was gone. The world came to a halt as the soul of the world ripped in half. I began to fall once again, my body shooting through the universes. Screams of panic fled my mouth as I passed one world to the next. I reached out to anybody to stop myself, but no one came. I somehow flipped my body to where I could be on my feet. I dropped my weapon with one hand. Doing this caused me to skid to a stop. I arrived in a snow-covered forest. BEGINNING I was still a bit shaken, so I decided to keep in one spot until I was settled. Before long I was up on my feet searching for any signs of life. ‘At least you didn’t end up in an
26.11.2019 20:27
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myself I wandered for around an hour. Eventually, I came across a snowy road and followed it to an even snowier town. A sign that read “Yuki” greeted my sore eyes. I followed a path made of frozen stone when a voice called happily to me. “Inku is that you?!” I glanced around to see if I could find the person that called to me. A very bubbly boy dressed in greys and blues approached me. A smile instantly whipped onto my face as my friend ran up to me. “Indigo!” I said excitedly “Inku, where have you been?” he asked curiously. “Around, now uh, can you tell me where I am exactly?” I asked, changing the subject quite quickly. “Oh, that’s easy, you’re in my Universe!” he replied ecstatically. Knowing him, he was correct. I was indeed in his original universe. How I got there must remain in secret for the time being though. “You look lost, would you like to stay the night?” Indigo asked skeptically. I nodded a thank you. He t
26.11.2019 20:28
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. He took my hand and teleported me in front of a brick house covered in snow. I rubbed my eyes to disperse the stinging feeling, causing Indigo to laugh. Indigo opened the door to reveal his elder brother sitting on a couch. the T.V. was playing softly in the background. I stepped onto the lavender rug and acknowledged Indigo’s older sibling. His brother looked at me suspiciously while muttering out “far from home, aren’t you?” I nodded in response. He motioned for Indigo to go upstairs, which he did with little hesitation. Me and the eldest sibling sat in uncomfortable silence for a while, before they spoke. “It ended didn’t it, the truce?” I looked around in confusion, anxiety warped my brain as tears filled my eyes. His hand met his mouth gradually. I don’t often allow any negative emotions to seep to the surface, but when I do it’s because of the seriousness of the situation. He waved their arms around expecting an answer to satisfy his paranoia.
26.11.2019 20:28
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I shook my head lightly and opened my mouth to speak but all that came out was shaken words. “Sova, I, Please…. I need he-” ROAD OF TRIALS + UNCONDITIONAL LOVE He cut me off, smirking in determination, “I’ll help you, but you must bring Indigo along. His Soul is equally as powerful as mine, if not more!” I was filled with relief knowing that I had at least someone on my side. I opened my mouth to thank him, but he cut me off once again. “No need, I’ll contact some of our old friends to see if they will help as well,” Sova said while rising from his seat and teleporting up the stairs.
26.11.2019 20:28
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I heard a faint knock on the front door, I glanced around the room before accepting that I was the only one there. I dragged my legs to the doorway reaching for the door. My hand hovered over the knob, I took a deep breath and turned it quickly pulling the door open. I was greeted with nostalgia, happiness, and a wave of relief. What lied before I was one of Sova’s gateways. I could recognize it by the orange lacing that sparked edges. I stepped into the gate with little hesitation. Sova’s gate was warmer and smoother then Indigo’s magic. Within a few short seconds, I was in a cluttered room with a Mattress, a cardboard box with a lamp on top, and a broken treadmill. Indigo fidgeted excitedly, a joyful expression still lingering on his face. Sova was leaning on a wall, smiling at Indigo’s excitement. “Why did you bring me here?” I asked, curiosity lacing my words. Sova chuckled lightly then answered
26.11.2019 20:29
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“Because we have some company.” His Orange Soul hovered above his chest as he snapped his fingers. Six gateways opened as he snapped, revealing Six different people. They varied in height, age, size, and gender. Looked upon by uncertain eyes, my skin began to crawl. The silence seemed to last for an eternity. Luckily Indigo couldn’t handle it anymore “So Inku, would you like to tell us what’s going on?” Indigo asked, his voice raised enough so everyone could hear. Everyone murmured in agreement, some moving to more comfortable areas while they spoke. As soon as everyone’s voices came to settle, I took a deep breath and stepped forward. “Hello, friends. If you don’t remember me, I am Inku, Guardian of the alternate universes.” I started. “If you are up to date on the AU truce’s, you should know that it has ended. Well, Error has taken advantage of that and is now destroying universes,” I said blankly.
26.11.2019 20:29
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“For all, we know half the universes could be erased. So Sova has called you here to help. If you don’t want to help, that is alright. However, be warned that your universe could be attacked.” Everyone looked around in panic and started talking with one another, as I sat down on the purple carpet. Everything was in quiet small chaos. They spoke in hushed tones. A tall figure crept up in front of me, obviously annoyed. He sat across from me, one leg propping up his arm while the other leg was outstretched, his right arm behind him for support. He smirked at me while I studied his face. Two lines were running from his eyes, one going up while the other went down. His eyes were an amber shade of yellow and they seemed to shine at every angle. His hair was pristine white, and messily styled its-self in a rustic manner.
26.11.2019 20:30
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He wore a leather jacket with a skull patch on the sleeves, outlined in yellow. underneath he had a light grey turtle neck sweater that he wore with confidence. He had simple black jeans Paired with black combat boots, some fuzz poking out of the top of them. The laces had yet to be tied. His skin was tinted a pale shade of white, both hands had deep holes in the palms, and a thick black ring with a blue flower imprinted on it looped his left ring finger indicating he was to be married. I waved both my hands smiling as wide as I could muster. “Inku, how ya been, kid?” he asked casually. I recognized the voice just not the face, my eyes scanned him looking for any signs of the original beholder of the voice. He chuckled lightly, his mouth opened in a smirk as he spoke.
26.11.2019 20:30
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“It’s Serif, remember me? The permanent fusion?” Serif asked clicking his tongue after the word fusion. I gasped and clapped my hands together, happy to see my old friend once again. He laughed throwing his head back at my reaction. “Oh, come on, I’m not that dumb!” I taunted. He laughed lightly, his cheekbones dusted a light pink. His laughter died, his serious expression returning to his face. “So, about this uh, crisis,” Serif said. “I would like to help, or something,” He continued. My smile grew in confidence. He rose searching into his pocket. He looked back at me questioningly. He fidgeted his feet and looked up inhaling deeply. “may I uh, make a quick call?” Serif asked.
26.11.2019 20:31
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I studied his almost crimson face before realization struck me. I grinned teasingly. “Go right ahead, but keep watch,” I said. He nodded his thanks and walked over to Sova, his smile vanishing. Sova snapped his fingers igniting a new gateway. Serif jumped in, his body completely straight. I watched as he disappeared into the orange, sparkly, portal. Indigo ran up to me joyfully. His hand interlocked with the hand of a tall female in a green jacket, long dark blue leggings, a white tee-shirt, and dusty brown hair. Along with that, she had a knife strapped to her leg, which wasn’t surprising considering her. My smile grew more than I thought was possible. Indigo sat down with her, his legs crossed. She simply on her knees, fidgeting with a rainbow scarf. “Kuori, nice to see you again,” I said.
26.11.2019 20:31
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“Inky, I missed ya!” She grinned. “How have you been recently?” I asked. She flicked some hair out of her glossy red eyes, then answered. “Horrible,” She responded. “Oh, If I may ask, how so?” I asked touching her arm worriedly. “Error. He came to my world. He had no mercy at all! He eradicated my universe and everyone in it like it was nothing.” Kuori took a timid breath before continuing “He killed my brother, Yagi.” “Oh, I’m so sorry, we all know how that feels,” “yeah, but each one is different.” “True.” “So, anyway, I’d like to bring him to justice, after everything he’s done to me. I’m determined to give him a hell of a time” She grinned, determination pouring from every part of her aura. “Whether you approve me or not,” she said, grinning devilishly. I matched her expression as we locked hands signaling a deal. Kuori and Indigo got up, fingers still interlaced while they ran
26.11.2019 20:32
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interlaced while they ran back to Sova. Someone was waiting patiently in the same spot as Kuori. Instantly I knew who he was. He was the one, the only, Sora. He’s from the first-ever universe, the classic universe as everyone calls it. He rocked a light blue sweatshirt some stains here and there, the hood a nice shade of grey, he wore black basketball shorts and some dirty pink tennis shoes. Despite the laces being untied he still managed to never fall. He had a deep black eye on the right and a blue eye that coursed with a deep power. He levitated himself in a sitting position across me. His right eye flamed a luminescent Capri blue. “The Fell Twins, Yumi, and I would like to help any way possible,” he stated calmly.
26.11.2019 20:32
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Sora snapped his fingers causing too people across the room to freeze and glow a deep shade of blue. Within seconds they were whipped to Sora’s side. Yumi had a band of gold around his head the ends met in the middle of his head and twirled opposing each other. He had a Columbia Blue, long-sleeve button-down shirt, the seams lined with a dreamy white. His hands were covered with fingerless pastel yellow gloves that rose to his elbows. His pants were a dim shade of turquoise. He topped it all off with a knee-length ochre yellow cloak and ochre yellow boots with blue velcro. His irises glowed a pastel yellow and his cheeks were spotted with cyan freckles.
26.11.2019 20:32
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The first Fell Twin named Rin, on the other hand, had quite an edgy aesthetic. He had smoky white hair that was sleeked back messily, two strands falling out of place in the front of his forehead perfectly. He had a slightly puffy black jacket with a large golden zipper and a Red Skull on his right sleeve. Yellow fluff laced his hood, and gold buttons were undone from the collar. Underneath his jacket he wore a red sweater with the neckline folded and ripped, if that wasn’t enough, he had razor-sharp teeth, one on the left was made of pure gold. His left eye was a natural dark brown and his right eye’s sclera was pitch black while its iris was a radiant shade of crimson. His twin, Kin, looked almost Identical. Except he was wearing a gold necklace with an evening star laced onto it. His hair was also a lot neater but with the remaining two strands still in front of his face. His left eye had a black sclera and a red iris. His jacket had a yellow skull on his left sleeve, with a white fluff lined hoo
26.11.2019 20:34
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hood, and a white zipper. He wore the same sweater, but not as badly ripped. His teeth were also dagger-sharp, but, his golden tooth mirrored to the other side. The twins linked arms with each other as Yumi jumped into my arms in embrace. Yumi quickly got off and apologized. “Sorry, sorry, I’m just excited to see you,” Yumi said panicked. I waved it off in a friendly manner.
26.11.2019 20:34
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‘I have a good idea!’ I thought “Everyone who would like to help come to me. If you don’t, go to Sova!” I said in enthusiasm. Everybody walked to me. I laughed nervously. Was not expecting that I clapped my hands and rubbed them hesitantly. By now it was pretty late, so Indigo recommended that we have a sleepover. Everyone traveled to the living area, some by teleportation others by simply jumping down two flights of stairs. Serif had returned by walking, his breath frosty and crisp. We started setting up our little fort. Not little, it was humungous.
26.11.2019 20:35
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Indigo was quite fond of it. He strung little flashlights everywhere. No one knew where he got them, but we were content with his happiness. Everyone was chatting around the room in restricted tones. I got to know every one of them. I even wrote down a list because I’m terrible at names. Our little army consisted of some of the most powerful friends I know, not counting Error. Those who could stay awake kept a keen eye out for those who could sleep. Sova was one of the sleepless. He chose to watch over his younger brother and Kuori. Kin watched over his brother and Yumi. While Serif sat near a mono filtered girl named Noir. His arm shielded her body making sure she wouldn’t be harmed if anything were to show up.
26.11.2019 20:35
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I chose Sora and a kid named Shoka. Shoka’s facial features, hair, skin, and hands looked Identical to Serif. The only things that separated him from Serif were his cyan eyes and his attire. He wore a long white jacket with a hood, the jacket’s sleeves had a cyan stripe on them, and the edges of the hood was lined with a strip of that cyan. Another light blue stripe ran up his back and connected to the hoods line. The sun was embraided on the front. He had simple white pants to finish it off. I started to drift off as the world around me burned a bright gold. I heard screams and I sat up with a start. Indigo was being suspended by blue threads. Error was underneath him, his arm reached towards Indigo. The strings shooting from his fingers.
26.11.2019 20:35
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I was about to get up and try to rescue him or something, but Sova raced up. His soul glowed an intense orange. His eyes were engulfed in orange flame as he set the world around him in a blazing fire. “Put him down or you‘re going to become my next victim,” He said while pinning Error to the ground. The sky imitated a shade of golden amber as the flames licked the candy white walls. Indigo scrambled to his feet, a worried expression on his face as he watched his older brother fight with an enemy. Someone managed to get the burning man off of Error. “Wow, jeez, such great hospitality you have here,” Error snapped. “You are not welcome here,” Sova retorted.
26.11.2019 20:36
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“I just came to deliver you a message,” Error said rolling his eyes. “Get on with it,” I said irritated. He got up, brushing off the ash from the fire, which was still burning. “Looks like you got your self an army my dear Inku,” Error said his cheeks burned in yellow because of the heat. “Yeah, and?” I asked sarcastically my arm spread in front of Indigo. He laughed menacingly and grabbed Sova by the arms. “Let go of my brother!” Indigo yelled, trying to get past me.
26.11.2019 20:36
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He wrapped strings around Sova’s fingers and pulled on them until Sova snapped his slender fingers. My eyes instinctively shut as the house disappeared and a barren wasteland remained. The stars were messily splattered across the night sky. The moon hung in the dark abyss proudly. Sova’s forced gate-ways emitted twelve dangerous people. I began to point out everyone that flew out of the portals. “Hokori…” I said to myself. “Suku,” I continued to list, shivering in fear. “Brother, Naito!” Yumi yelled worriedly reaching out his hand in an attempt to convert his brother.
26.11.2019 20:36
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“I’ve got Soro on watch,” Kuori announced. “Father,” Rin and Kin said in sync while pouncing over to the man in a black tailcoat. “Now all that’s left is,” I began to ponder. “Geno, Shiro, Kino, Ember, Betsy, Kurim, and Plague,” I said hurriedly. Hokori looked exactly like Sora except for his eyes. The left was purple and the right red. His twin, Suku, looked similar, but more feminine. Black marks ran from her eyes and to a symbol on her shirt. Yumi’s brother Naito, was a jet-black melted liquid with a turquoise crown and tentacles coming from his back. Soro was the most bone-chilling of them all.
26.11.2019 20:37
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He had a deep cut from the top of his head, white hair stained with blood, and blood covered blue jacket. He had a hand-held Iron axe, the blood of his victims splattered the head. Geno was wearing all white, with a large slash across the chest of his shirt, his hair was brown, his shoes were cherry red, and his left eye had been melted off. Shiro was the most fashionable, he had a thick white jacket with two sashes that crossed in an ‘x’ shape with bearing holes in the middle. He had black knee-length shorts a white belt with another x as the buckle. A floor-length black and white scarf looped his neck, a golden heart locket barely hanging on to his collar bone. He had white hair, one red-eye, and the other was an all purple eye.
26.11.2019 20:37
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Kino’s uniform matched his slightly, but her hair fell in front of her eye and she had a purple circle on her both of her cheeks. Ember had a black tailcoat, a white sweater, and black pants. Betty had shoulder-length hair, with the ends dyed magenta. She also wore a pink and purple sweater, a dark pink skirt, and black flat shoes. Kurim was exactly like Indigo, except everything blue was red, and everything that was grey was black. Plague had a simple captain’s outfit with cyan seams, a hat with a triangle on it, and gold chains on the shoulders. We stood in silence before Error continued his evil speech. “I have an army too!” he yelled.
26.11.2019 20:38
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He pushed away from the still flaming Sova. Sova raced to his younger brother engulfing him in a hug, causing him to catch fire. We all rushed to help him, but Indigo quickly turned to water. We all stood amazed at his soul’s capabilities. He turned back into solid, but not one you’d expect, he was total steel. He smiled, putting his arms across his face to shield it. He pulled his arms away from his intimidating posture, blades growing out of his fore-arms. Kuori understood his signal. She unhooked her eight-inch knife and grinned at Indigo and Sova. Kuori’s crimson eyes shimmered in the reflection of the moonlight as a red orb popped out from her chest. The knife repeated its self, levitating around her torso. The floating Knives
26.11.2019 20:39
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glowered a red that matched the orb and her eyes. Sora teleported in between Sova and Kuori. His eyes ignited in a neon electric blue. A white soul hovered underneath his collar bone. He looked me in the eyes promisingly, his everlasting smirk tainted his jawline. Sora pointed to the group of three huddled together threateningly. “We got Suku, Hokori, and Soro,” Sora said linking arms with Kuori and Sova. In a flash of blue lighting, they were flying through the air weapons and magic readied, towards their chosen targets. When they landed, an explosion of dust met them as they hit the ground.
26.11.2019 20:40
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I looked around and noticed that Yumi was fighting alongside Rin and Kin. Yumi was firing a translucent bow and arrow with a star on the tip. It appeared that the pale blue arrows regenerate after being fired. Yumi aimed accurately at his brother Naito. Naito easily blocked and dodged Yumi’s attacks, with the aid of his tentacles. Rin and Kin were fighting back to back, side to side. Their opponent had the advantage of being around two feet taller, but the twin’s powers combined were extraordinary. They fought aggressively against their tail-coated father as he retaliated poorly. I looked around in panic for any enemies that could pop out of the shadows. I turned my back, only to be met with the bodyweight of Error. We tumbled to the ground and he pinned my arms to the chilled concrete. I
26.11.2019 20:40
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tried to fight my way out of his steely grip. I needed to get free in any way possible. I placed my foot onto his chest and pushed up as hard as I could. This caused him to go soaring into the air. What I didn’t notice was he had tied on one of his strings to my leg. My body followed him going higher up than him. He, unfortunately, he landed on his feet while I was still falling. He took advantage of my immobility, by Swinging me through the air around four hundred yards. My body made contact with the hard ground. I skipped and skidded for a few seconds. I then rolled onto my front. I attempted to get back onto my feet, but I failed painfully. I wasn’t going to give up yet. Serif must have noticed because I saw him sprinting to me. He lifted me with ease. I thanked him gratefully. He nodded then
26.11.2019 20:40
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disappeared into the night to fight who I would assume is Plague. Without thinking, my body was rushing, faster, faster, faster. I popped open one of the vials’ tops the components bubbling and oozing. I poured the vial into my mouth and then shut my eyes. The world went white for a millisecond or so. I then was in the air diving towards Error. My weapon returned to my grasp as black dripped from my face. I grabbed Error and threw him into the air with a big explosion. I bounded after him, grabbing hold of one of his legs. We landed harshly on a cliff that happened to be nearby.
26.11.2019 20:40
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Error fell about twenty yards away from me. He shot back to his feet, Blue strings coming from his fingers. They slithered towards my body. I grabbed hold of them and pulled him to me. His face came inches from my own. I allowed him to drop to his knees as I pulled out another vial. This one was a light lavender with black veins coursing through it. The glass was shattering as my fingers delicately wrapped around the center. Error’s eyes were fixated onto the vial’s contents. His expression reeked of fear, as he got on his knees. “Please don’t Inku, it’ll kill us all,” Error pleaded.
26.11.2019 20:41
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“So, that’s what you’re doing to everyone else,” I retorted. “I guess you’re correct,” Error said shyly. He closed his eyes and laughed. He pinched two fingers on a string that was tightly tied off of the cliff. “I don’t want to play with you anymore.” He said in a bored tone. He pulled intensely and the sky emerged a golden light. I covered my eyes to block from the bright rays. With my eyes squinted, I let my arms fall to my side. Trillions and Trillions of white orbs wrapped in blue strings were ripped apart. I watched in terror as all my friends bellow me disappeared.
26.11.2019 20:41
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“My only problem Inku is that I just can’t get my hands on the soul of that little blue brat’s universe,” He said in a crazed tone. Just as he said those words a screen opened from the sky. I watched as Indigo stood in front of Kino. His arm blades were still drawn. “Are you happy?” Indigo asked tears lacing his blue eyes. “Knowing that you caused endless timelines where me and all my friends are suffering?” Indigo continued “Were you guys ruined the only place we could be happy,” he said his voice filled with sorrow.
26.11.2019 20:42
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“You must be frustrated, I want to help you,” He said sympathy lacing his words. “But I can’t trust you,” He said his expression now serious. Indigo ran at her twisting his body to slice across her face. She laughed crazily and lifted her arm summoning thousands of knives. His body was cut everywhere, his health at a dangerous low. He put in one final blow. Kino ran at top speed spawning a knife through Indigo’s chest. Indigo screamed in pain for only a moment, before his body went limp. The world came to a sudden stop at that moment. I dropped to my knees as hot ran down my cheeks.
26.11.2019 20:42
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hot tears*
26.11.2019 20:44
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I watched painfully as Sova killed Kino and then held his dying brother in his arms. Cries of distress escaped his mouth, as Indigo’s joyful eyes froze, his body lifeless. Sova screamed curses, begging me to do as we planned hours before. My body was paralyzed pain spread through me as the tears fell. I shakily stood up and pointed at Error. “You….You cannot be forgiven,” I said my voice cracking. BOON He watched as I threw the vial to the ground, his arm reaching to catch it.
26.11.2019 20:44
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There was an earsplitting boom and a flash of white as the world around me was erased. Refusal of return I can’t return now. I refuse too, not until we make a new world. A few years after the war….
26.11.2019 20:44
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Rescue from without + Crossing The return threshold I am living in the small void I was granted, Error still hasn’t remembered anything while I still do. Somehow Error rescued me from the explosion and nursed me back to health. We’re rebuilding society, slowly, but surely. Everyone’s universes were reset, back to their usual life in their universes. Except for Indigo, his soul was killed by an outside force. I couldn’t bring him back, the guilt of that haunts me while I sleep. Sova still hasn’t forgiven Error. Rin rules his town now. Kin just became a father.
26.11.2019 20:44
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Serif got married to his now-wife. Kuori has her brother back. Everyone is happy, but, Sova will always be hurt. He can’t get over his brother’s death. Who would? They were the greatest of friends. Error convinced me that whatever did happen, it was not my fault. I guess that’s fine, it still hurts though, knowing that I would never see my best friend again. I have Error now, but nothing can replace Indigo. I guess that’s where we end. “Jeez that was anti-climactic” Error laughed.
28.11.2019 04:45
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Oh my gawsh
02.12.2019 16:55
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12.05.2020 22:01
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holly moly
12.05.2020 22:05
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YuP 40 minute reading time on an average speed :D
12.05.2020 22:06
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aand itwas based of off of the multiverse war thing in UT
12.05.2020 22:08
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it is 54 pages the original rough draft was 109 but I wanted to seize it down a bit because my teacher had to read it for my writing test
12.05.2020 22:09
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O-O I might die halfway
12.05.2020 22:21
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then don't read it xD
12.05.2020 22:25
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