. . .


04.04.2018 22:27
Linkive had depression for the longest time and- i was thinking about killing myself
. . . but ill need your conformation for this
-Nummy Gummy

04.04.2018 22:28

05.04.2018 00:22
LinkI wouldn't be the least bit sad, after what you said In my comment section.

05.04.2018 00:23
LinkWell, I'd be kind of sad, It's hard seeing someone from the world go that fast at a young age. But I'm mad at you rn so you should expect that comment from me for now.

05.04.2018 00:35
LinkBut I would like to say, You should not, suicide is bad, it puts you in a bad place in life that you never got to complete. You have so many things to do in life that need's accomplished, but it won't be accomplished if your dead. So No.

05.04.2018 00:40
LinkEither have everyone in a bad position, = your loved ones and followers and such people who look up to you. Or have everyone happy and live through hardships. Life isn't about being easy. Life is about challenges and puzzles that need solving. Life isn't gonna be a straight line of joy. There's gonna be bumps and some waves that go on for weeks or months, or even years. But that's the challenge of life. To see how far you have come and how you can turn failure into progress. You won't progress if your not here. You wouldn't be an organism anymore. You wouldn't grow as mindset of your own to store thought's in. But there are many pro's to situation's like this. Just think of the one's who love you most, and look up to you as a great example. People who care for who you are, and people who understand you. Don't look to what the bad things. If you ignore bad things or concepts. Then maybe you'll earn a place by turning a bad thing by ignoring it, into something forgotten or behind, or even something brand new

05.04.2018 00:40
LinkTo create good things. So that's my answer to you, p.s sorry for the huge paragraph. -Twix

05.04.2018 01:28
Linki meant that your art is better than the art that you had made was better than the one on the link
-Nummy gummy
p.s- sorry for the miss understanding. . . :'(

05.04.2018 01:33
Linki feel very sorry for the misunderstanding i didn't know that you wouldn't get it there for that's annother reason for this i can't get understood by anybody. . .
-Nummy Gummy
p.s- i wish i had as good animations as you :')

05.04.2018 12:19
LinkOOOOOHHHHH IM SO SORRY T^T *reaches for leg* Q^Q senpai iz sorry

05.04.2018 14:36
Linkheh its ok

05.04.2018 14:37
Linkthat first comment you put was a real let down so i made a vent