- create flipbook animations online!
Little Insight on my O.C's
05.12.2017 15:48
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okay, here's a bit of an explanation for my Mission BluaJay Oc's: The Artist: my avatar. She's basically me only in art form. I don't put my real name on the internet for safety reasons and i had to call her something other than a giant nerd. Stitches: A genderless giant walking talking ragdoll. I came up with him when i was five so I've had to come up with a a new backstory that kinda makes some sense. Like i said, he has no gender but he goes by he/him pronouns. He doesn't have much of a backstory but he does have a lot going on behind closed doors. He can't die because he isn't really living in the first place cause he is made of cotton and fleece but he can feel pain. Every time something bad happens he usually takes the shots and fakes that he's okay. He's basically all of our guardian angels and he's one of the only ones that can actually keep his friends safe. (too long have to make multiple comments sorry)
05.12.2017 15:55
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Soul: Oh boy, her explanation is long, time for a ride. She's my soul only the opposite of me and in humanoid form. There's not a lot of things that we share because she is opposite to me, but there are a few things. She has no hair and wears a hat with a bow on it (i have really long hair and hate bows) she's the tallest of us all (I'm pretty tall at a good 5.3 but she's almost six feet tall) She's twelve (i'm eleven), She's pretty outgoing (i am not at all), and other things like that. She's also best friends with my character Ghost and is normally hanging out with her. Now, for her face. She has only one eye (sight is my best sense so i only gave her one eye) and she has dark powers. she has a kinda vine like thing going across part of her face which normally stays at a dark blue but whenever she's using her powers it goes completely black and the blood from her missing eye goes black. Her powers are a bit like slender man's, kinda, i don't know how to really explain it so there.
05.12.2017 16:00
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I'll do the others in a different thing, but so far you have The art nerd, Stitches and Soul. But while I'm here here is the age thing i guess Mask: Oldest at Thirteen Soul: Twelve Me: Eleven Stitches: Eleven Scarlet: Eleven Ghost: Youngest at ten
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