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meac's backstory
17.07.2019 00:09
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okey so meace was the smallest of her family witch made her family protect her but yu cant always protect somebody her siblings told her that they were sneaking out tu the park and told her that she could come yu see it was night time and she has 5 siblings so they thought if anything happened they could pretect meace but they were wrong they were walking tu the park they heard a cat meow they told meace tu not worry about it and were walking off but meace did not listen and she snuck away into the alleyway tu see the cat she had never seen a cat so she walked up tu it and started tu pet it but then something grabbed her and she freak out and was about tu scream but her mouth got covered and then the cat started laughing??!
17.07.2019 00:31
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she woke up on a bed and in a cell she was very scared she did not know were she was and she had the number 129 on her hand what did that mean it could mean so many things then a person came up tu the cell and unlocked it and told her tu follow them so she did cause she thought thet they cen tell her what is happening and thats what they did du ans they also told her the rules and then they showed her her partner chor meace was scared of chor at first but then they got introduced tu eachother and she did not fear her anymore then they got thrown into there trailer
17.07.2019 00:40
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meace and chor got along very well they were the bestest of buds but then chor did something wrong and gotten taken meace was worried chor did not come back intill a week was over meace had asked what happened but chor said that nothing happened and that she was okay so meace believed chor and got happy agian and then chor got taken agian and came back meace asked if she was okay and chor said yes and she believed her agian
17.07.2019 00:44
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and then nothing really happened after that nothing bad happened tu meace except getting taken but meace and chor are the bestest of buds and the bestest of friends still but they are still there but there doing good i hope yu like meace's backstory
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