- create flipbook animations online!
Listening to Wierd Al
20.11.2017 23:43
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Once in a while Maybe you will feel the urge. To break international copyright law By downloading mp3s From file sharing sites Like Morpheus, or Grokster, or LimeWire, or Kazaa. But deep in your Heart. You know the guilt would drive you mad And the shame would leave a permanent scar Cause you start out stealing songs Then you're robbing liquor stores And selling Crack And running over school kids with your car [Chorus] So Don't Download This Song The record store is where you belong Go and buy the CD like you know that you should Oh Don't Download This Song Oh you don't want to mess With the R I Double A They'll sue you if you burn that CD-R. It doesn't matter if you're a grandma Or a seven year old girl They'll treat you like the evil Hard-bitten criminal scum you are [Chorus] So Don't Download This Song (don't go) Pirating music all day long Go and buy the CD like you know that you should Oh Don't Download This Song Don't take away money From artists just like me How
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