ANOTHER CONTEST!!!(lem me type


27.10.2019 14:56
Linkmake a backstory for crispin please!

27.10.2019 14:57
1st-a follow and fan art
2nd-a shout out
3rd-a bunch of likes!

27.10.2019 14:58
Linkdue november 1st

27.10.2019 16:13
LinkI will join since I don't have much to do! ^^

27.10.2019 16:22
LinkOn a damp and dark day, the sun was setting and people were making their ways home. There was a small box sitting in a corner of a street outside for people to see and pass by. Many people hear noises come from the box. A few people even tried walking up to it. They'd look inside, then walk off without a care in the world. A small animal sat at the corner of the box, with small scrapes around it's body. The animal had a frightened face on and lost it's mother. The animal would leap out of the box and walk around day after day begging for scraps.. Although the animal was alone and had barely enough materials to survive, it kept hope and faith deep within. One day it was sunny and the streets were packed. The animal slipped between legs after legs. People looked down at it and had a disgust looking face. The animal came to a spot that was really crowded by people. It looked up where the people were looking. Everyone had worried faces and were panicking. The animal saw a small child hanging on to a ledge of a of
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27.10.2019 16:25
LinkBuilding. The animal climbed on the window ledges trying to make it's way to the child. As soon as it was there. The animal grabbed the child's shirt and pulled it up. The child made its way down carefully. Suddenly the animal slipped on a slanted window ledge, and fell. Death flashed before it's eyes..

27.10.2019 16:29
LinkA few hours later. The animal woke up in a hospital for pets. It climbed off a counter with bandages around it's head. The animal walked outside the building to find a huge crowd of people standing in a circle around the entrance. They all gasped, and some started to even cry. The small child the animal saved walked wobbly over to the animal. The child tied a scarf like material around the animals neck. It had "Hero Crispin titled in it. And then on Crispin left the town with a warm heart to explore for a home. Crispin was always praised and welcomed into his home town. He never traveled far.. The End. UvU

27.10.2019 16:31
Linkamazing i love it!

27.10.2019 16:31

27.10.2019 21:05
Linko m goodness

Crispin walked through the streets of the city with his mother. He made sure he was close by her side. Suddenly a fat dude pushed between them and Crispin was lost in the frey. He ran and looked for his mother but couldn't find her. He ran twoards and alley. He jumped into a box and cried. He dicided that he wouldn't rely on his mother anymore. She found him there a day later. But he wouldn't go home with her. he wandered into a back yard and found himself in a large house, looking for food. A little girl spotted him and ran at him. Crispin flinched but she just picked him up an cuddled him. SHe tied a blue bandana around his neck and then he knew. This is my home now!

“And stay out!” A man’s voice shouted inside the cream colored house. A little fox scampered out the door eyes pleading for forgiveness. The man smirked and slammed the door shut. The little fox jumped and run from the house he used to call home. He walked his way to small town. His ears perked up to the sound of children nearby. He ran to the town park. The kids shrieked with delight as they saw the fox hugging him tight. Panicked he realized he couldn’t breath in the grasp of the child. He yapped and bit the kids hand. The child started to cry and it’s mom screamed at him. He ran away from the park.

His claws clinked on the pavement of the side walk as it began to start to rain. The people were closing there shudders and doors. He wandered around the town. Lightning flashed and thunder started to crackle. He ran for the cover of a near by box. The word free was written on the side as he slipped in he saw little kittens frightened by the loud noises. He curled his tail around them keeping them warm though the night. He woke to the bright glistening sunlight and the sound of feet thudding against the sidewalk.

He lifted his drowsy head to see the face of a little girl and her dad. They had stopped by the box for the kitten in side it. He lifted his bushy tail revealing the little fuzz balls as the purred. The little girl held a peace of cloth in her hands as he looked at the kittens. She whispered to her dad. “Yes i’m Sure that would be fine” he said smiling. She picked up the Fox wiping of some of the water from last night’s storm. “How about the name Crispin?” She asked her dad he nodded again. The little girl tied the blue bandana over Crispin's neck. He though of how nice it would be to be in a home again. He looked back at the kittens and made a wining noise.