Sleepy Kitten Meme


hey guys pisces here :3 :3 :3

Trampoline or just bouncy

o h n o e s

Momo & Abri

#Regrets -Im only a lil salty


13.02.2018 01:01
its alright mum
you just have to turn some down
dont overwork yourself ^^"

13.02.2018 01:04
LinkAwI know cubbie~
i usually have to turn down requests on almost all my posts ;v;
im probably gonna take a decent break from requests after im done since almost half my profile is requests
Thank chu tho for caring my cub ^^)<333

13.02.2018 21:41
Link;-; ill give you five dollars and ill request you to draw me .3.

13.02.2018 23:01
LinkAw i wish i could accept but i dont have way for you to pay me safely (like paypal)

14.02.2018 22:25
LinkWelp, I wish I could ask you to draw me. But it seems like you already have alot on your plate so you can if you would like to but you dont have to.

21.02.2018 02:30
Linkwill you draw me main OC Flipper

09.03.2018 01:18
Linkif u have time can ya draw a dragon wolf

aaa, i feel so bad, hun! i wish i could help qwq
i hope things arent so stressful later, remember, we love you~

I mean, I have only sent one request already so, I think I'm good.
You have no need to regret ANYTHING-! The people who spam in the comments saying "OMG draw me plz" and stuff like that, they just dont know how hard it is to make beauties like these, you work your tail off every--day to make these. Some people just don't notice you are a real person and they act like your a printer that spams bootiful drawings, you know what I mean? lol love ya' Mama Marble --- and happy Valentines Day ❤

Oh definitely!!! Thats exactly how it is sometimes, especially with the fact i hope to make art my career so it can be somewhat discouraging when people make it seem like i owe them a request, being an artist is a job and i have learned so many things to be able to make what i do so i do request because i choose to not because i have to
Thank you so very much you are so very sweet my cub >//<)~<333
And a very Happy Valentines Day to you too!!~<333

My cousin, do not let the humans do this to you. Only if they DO pay you five bucks per drawing. You'd eventually get $300 C; Really tho, don't work yourself up! Even if everyone is asking for requests 'cause your amazing, you have o let ppl down every once in a while. You do not have to make all of us happy.

Aw thank you cousin~<333
I definitely need to cut back on the request
I mainly do them thinking ill only do a few to give peep who also dont have money a chance to have a drawing and also so people can see more of what i can do
But i also get in over my head since i like making people happy so i end up saying yes to too may ;v;
Dont worry i know despite i hate letting people down since everyone is so wonderful to me here i will limit myself from now on
and hopefully figure out commissions and junk

If you can paint on a canvas.
And manage to sell your paintings.
For every one costs 10$.
You'd have 900$.
If you can make 90 animations,
And if you can paint on a canvas,
You could make more paintings to sell, and you'd soon have 9,000$
Then 90,000$.
Then 900,000$.
Basically, if you have the skill to blow people away on FlipAnim, then you have the skill to blow people away in real life and make a living out of it.

Like, if there was a way to actually pay you, I would, no questions asked! Though at the moment, I do feel a bit guilty, let me know if there's any other way I can support you for now! Your fantastic ability is, of no doubt, fantastic as always! ❤️❤️❤️

Mama! :o
But honestly, tho if I could buy works of your art I would because there honestly so well-done and great. <3

mum. i request you....
to draw what you want to draw. you amazing and the best. but those people do need some brakes. now eat ice cream? cuz you to sweet for cookies? and cakes?.

Awe don't stress urself love!!! You need rest! I've seen ever since you started that you've been doing all these free requests, you must be hella tired T^T

Please don't overwork yourself.. Stay away from Flipanim for a few days to gain back energy and take care of your REAL life, don't spend it on drawing art that no one's going to pay you for. Stay safe <3