- create flipbook animations online!
part 1
15.07.2019 21:41
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okay soo there was this mad scientist named mad this is a part of forests backstory tu but thats for another day he always wanted tu not be alone and in control so he hired people tu do a job for him witch was tu steal people off the streat and bring them tu him they would ethor become an experiment a soulder of his or would be put with a partner and live with them and be with them all of the time tu see how they act with eachother well meace and chor had gotten stolen from of the street tu and they got that part they had gotten tu choose what kind of neckales they wanted witch is the glowing neckalace- okey so dont reply tu this comment plz yu can comment but dont reply tu this comment because its going tu be a long story and im gonna be replying tu this comment several tymes
15.07.2019 21:52
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okey so they chose the neckaless they wanted and got put in an tiny trailer near the scientist base everyone who had gotten a partner was put in an trailer near the base so if yu were away from yur partner yur neckalace would turn red and if yu were tu try tu excape yur neckalace were tu turn red tu and yu would get cought yu were tu be put in a cell and would be tortured and not fed but if it was yur first time in a cell then they would go easy on yu and also if yu did not get in the cell yu would get an article of clothing tu show that yu were not bad or in the cell before and if yu did not get in the cell or any wornings yu would get a bigger article of clothing tu show yu were not a threat or someone they would have tu keep an eye on
15.07.2019 21:58
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and if yu had no articles of clothing yu were a big threat and if yu were in the cell tu much yu would get killed and yur partner would get another partner so many people whent missing and became a soldier of his witch was one of the goodest ones yu could get are yu would be an experiment witch was the worst one and the one with the partner was in the middle of bad and good now meace had never gotten put in the cell before but chor had gotten putten in the cell 2 tymes before
15.07.2019 22:03
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and it was terrible just lett me tell yu what its like there alwayse watching yu hurting yu not giving yu food yur stomach hurts more every day intill the last day the last day yu get food and thrown back into yur trailer with yur partner and yu can not tell them what happened or yu will be put back in the cell now chor has skares but she covers them up because she deosint want meace tu be worried and scarred yu are not aload tu go anywere exept in yur backyard or front ward yur surrowneded by woods
15.07.2019 22:09
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yu have tu say witch food yu want tu the gourd that comes up tu yur door when its breakfast luncha and dinner and if yu dont know or dont answer the door yu get no foodso most of the partners would get the same thing every time the only times yu would be checked on is when the gourd would come for yur food choice also the gourds were the soldiers and they would take people of the street i just said soldiers because i thought it sounded cooler
15.07.2019 22:12
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and thats the end of the story so whenever yu see any oc of mine have any of those things on there neck yu know kinda what there backstory is and why they have it now im going tu make a thing about how those ill just call them censors well now im gonna make a thing about how the censors work
15.07.2019 22:27
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This is so freaking cool. But also scary o-O
15.07.2019 22:32
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tanks yus and yeah
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