

09.09.2019 19:51
LinkI’m not the one for romance. Lately, though, I’ve found myself listening, reading, watching, and even enjoying some romance pieces. A dark question came from the back of my mind, hovering. I choose not to listen to it. As I continued to enjoy these stories, the presence the question grew stronger. Until I was finally forced to listen to it.
Can I find love too?
Can I find someone who can love me because I make them happy and wish for me to be happy? Will they love me for my personality and respect my boundaries? Can, and will, they love my good sides and ugly sides? Will they hold my hand, hug, and kiss me without being embarrassed because they can’t help but show their love for me to the world? Will they hold me while I cry? Will they wipe my tears and listen to my problems, even though they might not understand? Will they only wish to see me happy and healthy? Will they want to spend the rest of their days with me, forever and ever?

09.09.2019 19:52
LinkDoes that love even exist?
Does that kind of love exist in world full of hate and war? Does this kind of true love exist? And.... and will it ever happen to me?
Do I deserve it?