Guide to Gushou behaviour
18.10.2019 15:20
LinkGushou emotions:
Ears up: happy/alert/shocked
Ears down: sad/scared/nervous
Ears back: cautious/grumpy
Ears sideways-down: angry
Ears forward: very alert
Gushou mating:
Gushou are known for being generally bisexual animals, willing to mate with another Gushou of the same sex, or different. Gushous get very close with their mates, and usually mate for life, unless there are issues.
Young Gushou:
Gushou young are the size of a human child at birth. When a Gushou takes its first steps, it is the size of a human adult. When it’s ready to fly for the first time, it will be around the size of a female African elephant.