continue rp? (the warrior cats
15.09.2019 13:49
LinkI'm not any of those people but I would start a warriors rp with you if you want
15.09.2019 13:50
Linkyes and i noticed that uh0
its beautiful
15.09.2019 13:51
LinkxD yes
15.09.2019 13:52
Linkhow many characters allowed?
15.09.2019 13:53
Linki dont really care tbh
Mothstar: She was in her den, thinking. She was sat down in the fresh moss, and couldn't help but start to think, "What if Iceheart's right? What if Peachfur was right? Am I really destined for the dark forest?"
Needlejaw: He was doing the morning patrol with Whisperclaw and Lazypelt.
Whisperclaw: "Good thing that snobby Barkpaw isn't up yet. She would complain!" He sneered.
Mothstar: Her ears flipped towards Stripeflight at the sound of her paw steps. She sighed. "Morning, Stripeflight." She said.
Needlejaw: "Hurry up flea-brain. It's called a patrol not morning walk." He ordered Lazypelt.
Whisperclaw: "Yeah, pick up the pace or we'll give you to Windclan, since you're soooo quick!" He growled.
Barkpaw: She got up and stretched, wandering over to the fresh-kill pile. "Good morning, Thrushtail." She dipped her head, picking up a squirrel.
Lazypelt: "fine!" he snaps and runs ahead of the rest of the patrol then slows down again muttering under his breath, "fox-hearts."
Stripeflight: "good morning," he nods at her, "I have already sent out a border patrol, would you like me to send out a hunting patrol too?"
Thrushtail: "Morning, when do you think Stripeflight will send out hunting patrols? there isn't any good fresh-kill"
Sparkshine: sorting out herbs in the medicine den
Mothstar: "That would be good for the clan. I know I'm supposed to stay here in case something happens, but I need to stretch my legs. I haven't hunted in moons!" She got up, stretching.
Needlejaw: "Lazypelt? More like Snappypelt." He giggled.
Whisperclaw: "Man he sure is fast. Guess we should catch up."
Barkpaw: "I think their doing that now, if Mothstar's awake." She sunk her teeth into the squirrel's fur, and laid her paws on it, snapping it away from it's body.
Stripeflight: exits the leader den and goes into the apprentice den and wakes up Meadowpaw "come, we will be going on a hunting patrol as well as Thrushtail and Barkpaw."
Meadowpaw: "yep," she walks out of the apprentice den and signals to Thrushtail and Barkpaw
Lazypelt: "I heard that Needlejaw!" he hissed
Meadowpaw: "N-nothing, I just dont want to do something w-wrong in your presence!" she stammers a little, she is taken aback by how this had turned out
Thrushtail: he listens, his ears pricked listening for any rustling in the leaves above
Stripeflight: he had climbed into a tree and was jumping from branch to branch to get to the stream
Mothstar: Her ear twitched. "Is that the truth?" She growled, still in a somewhat calm voice.
Barkpaw: She slowly crept towards a starling she had found. She kept her tail low to the ground. "Hunting like this is not my forté." She thought as she crept closer. She jumped, almost letting the large black bird fly away. She bit it, and then dropped it.
Meadowpaw: "Yes Mothstar!" she whimpered getting scared now
Thrushtail: he hears rustling in the tree to his left, he spots a blackbird and he climbs up the tree and onto the branch just above the bird, he jumps and lands on the branch just behind it and grabs it with his forepaws before it can fly away and kills it with a quick nip on the back of the neck
(i just notice you gave me needlejaw from an egg)
Mothstar: She sighed. "Good." She peered back into the distant trees. "It's beautiful, you know?" She breathed heavily. "Always feeling betrayed by your own clanmates. I sort of feel bad for Pebblestar of Windclan. One of their best medicine cats, Moonfeather died a couple moons ago, but now their older medicine cat, Deernose is down. They don't have any medicine cat." She said.
Barkpaw: She was expecting Thrushtail to praise her for her catch, but realized she wasn't getting it. She buried the starling in dirt, padding around for prey.
(yeah XD)
Mothstar: She sighed once more. "That's none of your business, kit." She glared at her. "As for Pebblestar, we could send one of our apprentice's to learn I suppose? Or if a queens kit wants to train to become one, I suppose that kit could be sent to Windclan." She mewed.
Barkpaw: She scented a squirrel, tasting the air for the direction.
Meadowpaw: she flinches "I would be willing to become a medicine cat for Pebblestar, I dont enjoy battle training or hunting much anyway" she thought for a moment, "why are you sharing all this with me anyway?"
Thrushtail: silently climbs up the tree and jumps of the squirrel killing it with one blow of his paw
Mothstar: "No, you're too far in your training." She hissed. "As for that, I needed someone to talk to other than Iceheart." She shrugged.
Barkpaw: She leaped up, only to find out that Thrushtail had already caught and killed the squirrel. Thrushtail was barreled off the tree, while Barkpaw was dangling from the tree limb, her claws dug into the bark. "My claws are stuck!" She meowed.
Mothstar: She appeared in front of Thrushtail. "What in the name of Starclan is going on?!" She looked at Barkpaw. She jumped up and grabbed her scruff, pulling her down. "All you had to do was grab her." She shamed Thrushtail. "Pick up your prey, we're going back to camp. I'll get Stripeflight, and once we get back me and you will have a talk." She glared at Thrushtail.
Barkpaw: She headed back to get her starling.
Mothstar: "Oh you know, the typical things a warrior does!" She snarled, "Like be a mouse-brain flea-bitten rotten pile of mouse bile!" She hissed. "Thrushtail decided to not help Barkpaw after she repeatedly told him that she was stuck! Needless to say..." She lowered her voice. "That won't be happening again.." She growled.
Mothstar: Her tail flicks. "Thrushtail, you have shamed the warrior code, and until you change your behavior, you're going to be an apprentice again. Your temporary name shall be Thrushpaw. I will be your mentor." Her voice rang across the camp. "Thrushpaw, meet me in my den. Meeting dismissed." She jumped down, looking at Stripeflight. She sighed. "What will I do with these cats?"
Mothstar: "Then he should change his act." She looked outside. It was around moonhigh. "Oh dearest Starclan of mine-" She jumped onto highledge. "Again, may all cats old enough to catch their own prey gather beneath highledge for a clan meeting." She called. Without waiting, she said, "The gathering is tonight. The cats going are, Stripeflight, Whisperclaw, Needlejaw, Meadowpaw, Barkpaw, and Crabpaw. We have no time to rush, let's go." She meowed. She jumped down and started heading towards four trees.
(hi im back, also, Kestrelstar, Pebblestar, Tigerstar, and Mothstar belong to me.) Tigerstar as in Tigerstream, not Tigerclaw))
Mothstar: "Ah- There is Thunderclan." She noticed them, perched on her branch.
Kestrelstar: She jumped up. "Thunderclan shall speak first." She paused, waiting for her claws to settle. "All is well in Thunderclan, prey is running soothingly. However, the river has run low."
Tigerstar: "Yes, that's what I was going to talk about." She stepped forward. "Since our diet is mainly fish, the river shall belong to Riverclan until the tides come up once more."
Barkpaw: Her fur brushed gently against Meadowpaw's, as she drifted asleep.
Mothstar: "Provoke fighting?! If she so helps as glare at me, I will take care of this problem myself!" She lashed her large paw at Stripeflight, her paw meerly hurt him though. "Get out of my sight." She hissed in a low voice, twitching her tail stressfully.
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Thrushpaw: "I was a warrior! Now lets go mangepelts we need to restock the fresh-kill pile"
Stripeflight: as they reach the scent line he marks the border and follows along the scent line marking every now and then
Lazypelt: "I think they should just let things be as they were before the river got low, where the river was used by all the clans and Mothstar and Tigerstar were friends"
Meadowpaw: she murmurs her agreement as she marks a bit of the border line
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