I don't think I'm good at this
New profile (again)
Shapes be like
The snooze moose
@n1ghtmar3shy's oc crystal
Randomatic Contreversy?(Below)
06.08.2019 15:03
LinkHey guys! It's Randomatic. I just got back from a long break to find out my main account was hacked and 2 different people actually posed as me, RandomAnimations2/RandomAnimations3 as well as RandomaticIsntDead. RandomAnimations was trying to rip me off for success and RandomaticIsntDead was angrily raging at them for doing so, however their choice of speech and actions taken weren't that great. I'm going to start using Blanksheet as my main account until I can get back into RandomaticAnimations. All alts, even if I do get hacked again, are false unless I say otherwise later on. As of now FlipAnim has likely become a new world I won't get as far in, but I'll still be animating, just not as often. Cya!