My impossible dream
16.04.2018 22:44
Linklast year, my family and I were coming back from a funeral home when across the highway, an f-3 tornado crossed where cars were jammed.
somehow, no one (that i know of) was injured too much.
but to see that dangerously deadly beauty, it aroused my passion for weather, actually.
some years before, I was in the smokey mountains (tennessee) in their mall. I cant remember what scale it was, but it was MASSIVE. It tore half the roof of the mall off, wrecked some trees into some windows, and injured 3 people. I heard it. The rumble and crackle of roof tiles being torn apart. my adrenaline got the best of me, and i looked out the glass window of the mall. It was thick, despite being clouds. It was dark and black, like a demon from my dreams. I clicked, knowing I wanted to become a tornado hunter, or atleast studying tornadoes.