09.05.2019 19:51
Link*leaves flipanim for a while cause I can’t live like this*
I can’t do this anymore you know…?
I’m just gonna be afk for a while cause I can’t do this
I’m having stress attacks and it won’t stop
See you guys later…
If I’m still alive :))) (that wasn’t a suicide joke,also isn’t related to suicide at all,I meant if my parents don’t get me first)
we love you and your art, and we support everything you do.
Your stuff is amazing, but if you don’t feel like making drawings or anims, that’s OK. If you’re stressed and having a lot of trouble, do whatever helps, also if it means going off flipanim.
If you’re being bothered or stressed by what you do, don’t do it, and if you feel the need to tell someone, even us, we’ll listen and support you.
Sorry for long post but I hope you know we all love you and hope you feel better