my fish
♫ Panda Panda Panda Panda
When there is no Pepsi Max In the store
Aaa a rant
12.02.2019 23:46
Linko h
ik wut this is about-
ok... so yesterday i got detention why cuz of some solo cups. how well i was walking into skool and these solo cups were arranged to say be kind (cuz it was kindness week)so i was walking and i had my viola case and i turned around and ACCIDENTALLY KNOCKED LIKE 3 OUT and sum 4th graders friggen told on me. and at first i didnt know then i went to say hi to my 4th grade teacher and she said "(my name" and i was like yea she said "kids told me that you knocked out the cups." I said " yea ACCIDENTALLY" then i had to go so i was like whatever. then i got called to the office and the principle said " so some kids reported and said they saw you knock out the cups." so i said " yea i ACCIDENTALLY knocked them out with my viola case." then she said "dont lie to me', kids said they saw you keep pushing them out" i didnt fight cuz i didnt want to get in more trouble so i said ok. then these other kids came in and explained what happend. and one of the kids said it was an accident and they BELIEVED HERCUZ SHE PUSHED OUT
(new comment cuz i reached word count) ONE CUP!!!!!!! So i got lunch detention and yea but everyone knows i didnt do it on purpose EVEN THE DUDTY!!!! (whose really dope and chill)but yea my parent dont know and they wont know but imma tell my grandma cuz she wont beat me and yea thats my rant #ididntdoit
to explain some things she left out- when she said "then these other kids came in and explained what happend. and one of the kids said it was an accident and they BELIEVED HERCUZ SHE PUSHED OUT ONE CUP!!!!!!!" i think she meant this kid did the same thing and didnt get in trouble
and the cups were in the fence