

C'mon || AMV


cool dawg ( dog)

supreme effort

The Curse Of Time
Guess how old i am~ >;3c


17.01.2018 23:02

17.01.2018 23:02

17.01.2018 23:03
LinkYounger or older

17.01.2018 23:04

Oh no that sucks, i wish college wasnt so expensive or it was easier to get financial aid because its really not fair that we WANT to go but can't ;~;
Im not a really religious person but prayers would be appreciated either way and i hope for the best for you as well! You deserve to continue your education as much as i do~
I would LOVE to do commissions and be an animator/comic book artist, i need to build a following though because even though i know people like my art most peole who do so far are either young, cant afford art at the moment, or other reasons

Exactly, i mean i signed up for a community college that was supposed to be the easiest to get into, and i had excellent grades in school and nothing bad on my record
But when i went for financial aid they said i couldnt get it cuz i am an adult whos 19 without a job and my grandma "doesnt have court custody documents" that she has custody of me even tho she has notarized papers she does but they denied me anyway

Aw thank you so very much Mads!!!<333333 I plan to do my best~ i know the jobs i want can be difficult to get into but i wont give up, my art teacher told me people make it seem more difficult than it is its just you gotta know where to go like an animators best bet is to try for jobs near all different companies from disney to dreamworks and other lesser knowns or just freelance

your 20?
look guys!
another adult!
thats marble and dragonhooked
i think besides flipanim everyone else is a teen/tween/kid rip

Lol yas, that works for me @shinytherandom those are the reasons people give me sometimes when they think im a fetus
my sister makes fun of me for looking younger and im just like yeah itsl still be funny when you look 50 and i look 30 when were in our 40s right? >;3 #shotsfired
;O; Aw thank you so much!!!!!!!!! @Pumkin youre too sweet<3333333333
im actually reeaaaaaaally terrible unless we're talking about art cuz im an awkward bean ;P

Omg you’re officially older than dragonhooked, who up to now was (thought of to be) the oldest person on the site (she’s 19)! Congrats I guess?
Still you have such amazing art!!!!!!!!
Ok I’ll stop now I’m being weird XD


know wonder your so good, you used the knowledge you obtained in your long span of life compered to us young-lings here on the site of flipanim