gotta stay hip and cool :0


18.05.2019 20:50
LinkI hate you for trasing me

18.05.2019 20:51

18.05.2019 20:51
Linkno you trace

18.05.2019 20:51
LinkUhm *Cough* I'm sorry but, uhm... ShadowEyes DOES NOT TRACE

18.05.2019 20:52
Linkuh huh
what a hypocrite

18.05.2019 20:55
LinkI like your artstyle- there isn't a single thing i really dislike about you, your a great person and a amazing artist

18.05.2019 21:10
LinkYes! Please, change nothing about your art style!!!! I LOVE IT!
(I wish I could draw like you, but I just can't. Plus, you have something about your art that you shouldn't change. I don't know what it is, but I don't like it. I love it.)

18.05.2019 21:14
Comment removed

Your art, your characters, (especially tsc and sam),you're pretty funny
i can never figure out how you do heads and faces >:0

haha copy and pastE
Likes: Frickin every single thing
Dislikes: hah whats the definition of that word

Likes: I really love your art, your artstyle is really unique, and your use of different colors is just mmm, delicious.
Dislikes: This is based off an experience, but you let jokes fly over your head, for example, when Omeger made that one comment on your post, you just pushed it away, when I made the same comment on the same post, you didn’t seem like you understand the “joke/sarcasm/whatever”.

Dislikes: The fact that I have misophonia TvT Yay another excuse to be socially isolated IRL
Like: Nice people like u, art, memes, anime, manga ... *1 Hour later* Oh and lots of food stuffs, most specifically CHEESE!!!!!

Likes: Kat you're really cool and you seem really nice, pretty good friend with good art, and you like tea which means you're auto good in my books B3
idk actually

AAAAAAa hoW woulD i diSLikE you
like: almost everything about your art it is so good and I look up to you so much AAaA

like: your pretty good at drawing, I like ur artstyle. and ur animations are cool
dislike: u gotta understand common sarcasm and being meta a bit more, like, use sense first and think "would this person actually be mad about ____" or "is this person being serious about ___"
other then that u perfect as a charm

Likes: the fact that your art is just freaking amazing and holy and I want to INHALE ALL OF IT- and THAT YOUR A REALLY NICE PERSON AN I WANNA BE FRIENDS WITH YOU-
Dislikes: THE ACT THAT YOUR ANATOMY IS JUST PERFECT HGufjbnghnoilk,mgfcgjvbhmn,i want your art w h e e z e

Likes: Art and kindness
Dislikes: profanity
I don’t dislike people who use profanity I just don’t like it. No offense. 😀😃😄😁😆😊☺️🤣😂😅😇🙂🙃😉😌😙😗😘😍😚😋😝😜😎🤓🧐🤨🤪🤩🥳😒😞