Hatchari's Death


15.08.2018 13:47
LinkHai guyz! It meh! I'm PokéDarling! This is probably my best animation so far, cuz I suck at animating. XD Well anyway, this is called Hatchari's Death. Hatchari is my original oc, from a few years ago. I thought I'd bring her back tho. The basic storyline, is that she lives in a world called SleepLand, where there are very strict rules a ouch what u can do. She broke the most important rule. Never leave your house after dark. She was trying to leave the compound her and her family was in. But she got caught. They had no choice but to assassinate her for breaking the rules. It's actually a children's story, told to pups so they don't break the Rules. I hope you enjoy this animation. Again. I'm a terrible animation, trying to get better, so all of my animations look like my scribbles from 6th grade! XD anyway, I hope you enjoyed this little animation I made in like ten minutes. (Good thing I can draw better by hand! XD)
As Always, ~ PokeDarling > ~ <

27.08.2018 13:47
LinkI remember when we made this up in like fourth grade! Sister power