20.10.2018 06:25
LinkSpeaker Dialogue
[Int. Steven's Room]
(Pearl is seen warping to the temple, and when Steven talks to her, she flinches.)
Steven Pearl! Where have you been? *runs to Pearl*
Pearl Uh, looking for Peridot! For a few days straight... Steven, I know I might have... disappointed... all of you. I know Garnet is very upset with me, but I'm going to prove to her that she can trust me again!
(Garnet walks in through Steven's door.)
Pearl Oh! Garnet! I was just looking for Peridot! She's bound to be somewhere, right? Any new ideas? (Garnet says nothing, and walks past her. Pearl looks to the floor.) I'm sorry...
(Garnet stops walking, and Greg's voice is heard from outside the front door.)
Greg Who wants to go on a *Greg walks in the door, paper in hand* road trip?! (The Gems turn to look at him, all holding unhappy expressions.) Umm... Is this a bad time?
Garnet *walks to Greg* No. Please continue.
Greg Well I gotta drive over to the next state, Keystone.
Pearl You mean the Keystone state?
Greg Right, the s