30.08.2017 18:39
Linktook so many days of my animating time ;-;
please love it more than I do
0-0 Wow..... all of this is just wow..
I love how you did the individual body parts and the animation was so smooth! I really liked the part with the eye and how the scales went up over the neck... all of this is so cool!!
Alright. I typically use a brand of colored pencils called Prisma. they blend really well and I highly recommend them but because of how expensive they are I don't know if I would recommend them to beginners because at first you can develop some good habits and such with just normal colored pencils. One thing I've found is that white is the most-used color because of blending and such, and another piece of advice I have is not to color lightly. Make sure the paper grain is covered, it makes your drawing look much better. And shading/highlights are very important.
I skimmed this tutorial and it's pretty good, its for Prismas but is applicable to normal pencils as well:
And here is an example of something I have drawn with pencils:
That would be really cool! :D
I think they do things over email nowadays... I don't have my call yet (its on its way, will arrive in a few weeks) so I don't actually have a missionary email account. I could give you a personal email address then when I get the missionary one figured out I could give you that one.. does that sound alright?