Your reality map


06.05.2018 09:51
LinkOk rules! Follow me if you want to enter for updates to the map! Ok so two parts per person. This is my first map so it might take a while to come out... The magic password for a part is your favourite doki doki charecter! And yea thats about it

06.05.2018 09:52
LinkLel sorry i wrote it twice!! anyway here are the parts!

06.05.2018 09:54
Link1: Everyday I imagine a future where i can be with you!
2: In my hand is a pen that will write a poem of me and you
3: The ink flows down into a dark puddle
4: Just move your hand, Write the way into his heart!
4: But in this world of infinite choices.
5: What will it take just to find that special day?

06.05.2018 09:57
Link6: *Game starts to glitch* What will it take just to find, That special day?
7: Have i found everybody a fun assignment to do today!
8: When your here, Everything that we do is fun for them anyway!
9: When i cant even read my own feelings?
10: What good are words, When a smile says it all!
11: And if this world wont write me an ending..

06.05.2018 10:00
Link12: What will it take, just for me to have it all
13: *this part is music, no words* Show the girls getting deleted
14: Does my pen only write bitter words for those who are dear to me
15: Is it love. If i take you or is it love if i set you free
16: *no words* Show Monika regretting her decision to delete all the girls..
17: The ink flows down into a dark puddle

06.05.2018 10:02
Link18: How can i write, Love into reality
19: If i cant hear the sound of your heartbeat
20: What do you call love in your reality
21: And in your reality, if i dont know how to love you
22: *no words* Monika crying
23: *Monika looks up from her cry X""3* Ill leave you be...
And i also need someone to do the outro!

06.05.2018 10:03
LinkBtw my part is part 9 :3 Yuri is best girl!

06.05.2018 16:21
Link22 plz cuz we all hate fricken Monica and Natsukis best gurl

06.05.2018 16:21
LinkI can do the outro to plz!