They were your favorite


Fellow Animators Part 1

Spider Fun

Peter Parker The Spider-Man


day cycle
critique please???


10.07.2019 18:39
LinkI rEALLY need it

I'll only put bad critique/things that you should do,,
Your art is very simple, try putting more effort into positions, body anatomy, color, anything you haven't tried.
Your art doesn't use much space and only a few tools and colors, so they're kind of like doodles.
If you use one or only a few tools and some colors with something you put lots of effort in, it'll look less like doodles/sketches.
Try shading/highlighting.

hh im pretty late but yes i'll come along and dump my advice here
first of all, your art is very adorable and your style is so bubbly (probably a weird way to describe it but eh) and cute and i love it very very much uwu
ok now for critique
- Work on anatomy, look at human/furry references to help get proportions and positions right
- Whenever you post proper art and not little doodle-y type anims, it shows off more of your potential? if that makes sense? like that bobby anim, im pretty sure you know which one im talking about. so BASICALLY try making more art with backgrounds and shading and stuff
- Speaking of shading, try to develop your shading and highlighting techniques by knowing where the light goes and helping it blend? i mean the paint roller is one godly tool for helping you do that i muST SAY
but yes your art is a yes yes