06.01.2018 01:13
Linkcharacter from Night Vale
06.01.2018 01:17
Linkokay so
SCREEE Khoshekh is a wonderful cat, the poor baby
I'm glad he will recover,
also glad he is now able to move from his previous place floating exactly four feet off the ground in the mens bathroom
BuT i FeEl LiKE SomE cOwOrkErS wEreNt rEalLy tRyInG tO be nIce wHen ThEy got ceCil That StReX pEt ThAt ATTACKED THIS BEAUTIFL CAT
but hey, at least Khoshekh is recovering, there were some losses, but at least Khoshekh will be fine
this is Khoshekh, a cat that used to float exactly four feet off the ground in the mens bathroom of the Night Vale radio broadcasting building, permanently stuck in that place until he was viciously attacked by some bio-machine thing called a strex pet, but thankfully Cecil called animal control and everything is being taken care of