15.03.2019 22:53
Linkmy uncle wont keep his fingers out of my ass help me
15.03.2019 22:54
Linkjust replace yourself with a watermelon scupture
film it for me
15.03.2019 23:39
What is your opinion of my 'Tweening'?
Any Art tips?
How do you be original?
Want me to find a ukulele song?
My questions:
1: do you enjoy, the existence of an lemon?
2: on a scale of 10 to 1, how much of a cube this chicken leg isn't of able?
3: do you believe in aliens?
4: did I forget to add a question mark
6: is minecraft better than fortnite?
7: what is the first thing you think of when I say Bleh?
8: what was the 5th question?
9: potato chips?
10: why?
11: what was the 1st question?
12: what's your favorite color
??: I forgot the number to this question, do you know what it should be?
14: how old is the sun?
15: what does OwO mean?
15.5: what does UwU mean?
16: should this be question 17 and the previous question be 16?
That's all.